I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with stretch marks. My first experience with them occurred in my teenage years when I got them all over my butt and legs and became so self conscious because society’s standards made me feel like I didn’t have the perfect skin. I spent a lot of time time obsessing over why I wasn’t perfect that I became disconnected with what made me so happy to be myself.
For me, a big part of embracing my natural beauty is through practicing self-care. Taking care of my changing body should be my biggest priority always. When I take care of myself in the midst of all these changes, I am more confident in myself inside and out because I’ve taken those moments to acknowledge who I am and what I am going through. I get to thank my body for sticking it out through so much – puberty, weight gain and loss, pregnancy. I recognize my beauty inside and out.
Today I wanted to share with you guys my favorite skin-care products which do an amazing job at sealing in moisture and keeping my skin healthy – an essential to preventing stretch marks and making our skin look it’s best even if it has stretch marks.
What causes stretch marks:
Stretch marks occur when the skin in your body are suddenly stretched – puberty, rapid weight gain, and of course pregnancy are some of the more common causes. Stretch marks are also common after pregnancy as your body goes back to its original size, so it’s a good idea to use products like CBD oil after your pregnancy to reduce the chances of them appearing. CBD oil is available at this dispensary online store, meaning you can buy it wherever you are. It’s commonly used for acne scarring and for reducing the appearance of blemishes, so with its moisturising effects too, it’s perfect for post-pregnancy stretching.
Before stretch marks begin to emerge, the skin can appear thin or pink, and also feel irritated or itchy. Whatever you do, do not itch your skin. For my first pregnancy I paid extra attention to prevention and applied creams heavily to my belly and avoided itching, and actually didn’t get any stretch marks there. However I assumed my boobs would be okay during these growing changes my body was going through and anytime they itched I would itch them pretty aggressively. I actually ended up with stretch marks on my boobs which I feel I could have avoided had I resisted the urge to itch. Anytime you’re itchy grab your go-to product and hydrate immediately.
My personal recommendations:
Pregnant or not, these products are my favorites for keeping my skin extra hydrated:
Josie Maran – Whipped Argan Oil Illuminizing Body Butter
Cinq Mondes Three Ayurvedic Oils Body Balm
Mutha Body Butter